Another Successful MELD (Chemistry Outreach)

Over 100 area high school students who attended the Early College Experience Chemistry Student Lab Day pose for a photo with Dr. Michael Kienzler, assistant professor of chemistry at UConn, in the Chemistry Building on May 23, 2024. (Sydney Herdle/UConn Photo)

Today was another successful day of chemistry with over 100 students from 8 different Connecticut schools, through UConn’s ECE program.

Please read more about it here:

Undergraduate Research Presentations

Lots of great posters and talks were presented this Spring (April, really) by our undergrads:
Arjun presented his work at the R.T. Major Chemistry Symposium Poster session.

Sahiti and Carrie presented their work at the UConn’s Frontiers in Undergraduate Research symposium.

Michael V. presented his work at the Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.

And last but not Least, Carrie presented at both the PNB and all Biology research presentations and was awarded the Biology Director’s Award!