Today was UConn Chemistry May ECE Lab Day (MELD); it was the culmination of much planning and work to bring ~125 Connecticut high school students (from six different schools) to campus for a day of learning and hands on chemistry experimentation! Many thanks to the faculty, staff, and students that helped make it a success. A special thank you to Sahiti and Carrie for supervising a lab and troubleshooting experiments!
Theo presented a poster on his research
Theo presented the research progress from his first year of graduate school in a poster at the ACS Frontiers in Organic Synthesis: Chemical Biology meeting in New London, CT.
Sahiti presented a poster on her research
Thank you Sahiti for presenting a poster on your work at both UConn’s Frontiers in Undergraduate Research symposium, and the Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Our new paper on photocontrol of pain is out!
Congratulations to Ameya and all of our collaborators on this multidisciplinary paper! Please have a look at the open access paper at Nature Communications.
Congratulations Annalena!
Annalena has successfully defended her masters thesis.
Welcome to Theo and Michael
The Kienzler lab is happy to welcome new graduate students Theophilus Frempong and Michael Piekarsky into the lab. Welcome to the team!
UConn ECE Workshop
Prof. Kienzler gave a presentation and ran a lab on molecular photoswitches for high school teachers certified with the UConn Early College Experience. Read more about it here.
Welcome Sahiti and Kathryn
The Kienzler lab is pleased to welcome two new undergraduate researchers, Sahiti Bhyravavajhala and Kathryn Wilkinson, into the lab! We look forward to working with you.
Anwesha passed her defense!
Congratulations to Anwesha on a well defended thesis!
Science with the Palty Lab
A visit to the Palty lab at the Technion in Israel was possible through our joint NSF/BSF grant. Anwesha finally had a chance to meet and talk science with graduate students in the Palty lab.
Here, Maya is showing Anwesha how she tests her CRAC channel photoswitch inhibitors.